Student Voice

One way we encourage our students to value and participate in ‘community’ is to offer a variety of student leadership opportunities. The positions offered are School Captains, House Captains and Student Representative Council members. Each of these positions has different roles and students may apply for more than one position.

School Captains
These positions are open only to our Year 7 students and a boy and girl captain will be selected. The successful students will be called upon for varied roles including welcoming guests to the school, making speeches at school functions and sitting on the Student Representative Council for the full year. Students interested in applying for these positions must complete a written application. Short listed applicants will then be interviewed by a panel, which will include the principal, a staff member and students.
House Captains – Sporting team
House Captains are responsible for their House Teams and assist in the organization of the swimming carnival and sports day. Each house team, which is made up of the year 3 to 7 students, will vote for 2 captains and 2 vice captains. Only year 7s can nominate for the position of captain and a boy captain and girl captain will be elected. Year 6 or 7 students can nominate for the vice-captain positions. Students wishing to stand for these positions write and present a speech to their house team.
Student Representative Council (SRC)
Two representatives, a boy and a girl, are elected from each class to sit on SRC. Junior Primary Representatives are elected and sit on the council for 1 term. Middle and Upper Primary representatives sit on council for half a year. The committee meets weekly to discuss ideas and issues. The staff is represented on the committee and assists in the running of the weekly meetings. Meetings are run as formal meetings with a chairperson and secretary. Minutes are recorded and taken back to each class for discussion. The executive of the SRC may liaise with the principal, the school council and the parent committee.
Choir and Band Captains

Students wishing to nominate for Choir and Band Captains are required to submit a written application addressing the skills they can offer to support the smooth running of the School Choir and band. The applications are considered by Mrs. Cottle and the members of each group.

The opportunities for student involvement are highly valued by the staff and we encourage all students to become involved whether they are a leader or a participant in class decision making. Together we achieve more.

School Assemblies

Assemblies are held at school once per fortnight and run by students. The Assemblies are held every odd week during the school term on a Friday at 2:30pm. They are aimed at fostering a cohesive school community, providing a forum for the Principal, staff and student committees to foster a positive school culture and promote the school values. Students are also recognised for their learning successes through the presentation of individual certificates. 

The Music Curriculum is celebrated when individual or small groups of students present aspects of their learning.

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